Onze consultant Gijs Wuyts als spreker op DataCloud Nordic
Op 20 en 21 oktober werd onze consultant Gijs Wuyts, Datacenter Manager bij BNP Parisbas Fortis, gevraagd om te spreken over energie en energieprijzen in de Scandinavische landen tijdens DataCloud Nordic. Hij schreef voor Regis Consult een verslag over zijn deelname en de topics die aan bod kwamen.
“With a well-filled program this convention has a big appeal, from provider to end-user, and anybody in between, concerned by or interested in Data centers, Cloud, Hosting, Housing or Energy in the Nordics region. Operating in that region means there is a strong emphasis on the energy consumption, i.e. reducing the ecological footprint of the data centers, for an industry that already has a bad reputation. But on the plus side, this allows for enormous impact when implementing energy-economizing measures.
Throughout the day a series of discussions, panels and presentations where planned in the large-size auditorium. And the topics were as varied as the attendants: from connectivity to blockchain, fintech and ASIC computing, cloud ant connectivity.
First up: Verne Global. A project I've followed closely from day 1: build a datacenter in Iceland, South-West coastal area, extracting ample available energy from the geo-thermal sources. Phase 1 was built on the modular shipping container concept. Cooling runs entirely on free-cooling. The backup systems only run for testing. The next phases are already operational, and are running a PUE of 1.1 or just above.
Back to the convention
Although most presenting speakers where linked to a company, I found most of them very informative, not too scholarly and some even managed to be funny and entertaining.
Personally I participated on a panel discussion, rather short, on energy availability and pricing in the nordics. A very diversified panel I must say. All the way on the producing side: Finnish power distributor, a Norwegian cooperative, on the technical side Schneider as integrator of solutions, and also a datacenter operator. And me, as a lonely end user. A pre-defined set of topics/questions got us underway, and the different inputs from all participants made for a good discussion, and some very interesting questions from the audience.

Throughout the day I passed by the booth of EuroDiesel a couple of times. ED is a known supplier to my current contract post, and has a very reliable solutions for no-break (rotative) power. I had a re-connect talk with Munters; I've built out one site with their adiabatic cooling solution a long time ago, and their offering has only grown, its reputation of being very energy-efficient proven time after time.
Drinks were offered by Schneider, and then off to the Swedish Royal Opera for dinner, offered by Digiplex. And some more after-dinner drinks…
Day 2
The next morning a quick breakfast and packing/checking out started of the day, and at 8.15 (ahem, 8.45) everybody was present and able (bodily anyways) to visit 2 data centers.
First Interxion. Located at 20 min from the city center, this former Telecity DC has spare capacity, a good reputation and a large footprint worldwide. First a small meeting, followed by a visit to the infrastructure. A bit further away from the city of Stockholm, on a large plot of undeveloped land, lies a data center of Digiplex, next to a power station and the train track to Arlanda Airport. Personally very impressed by the MV switching modules (actually they gradually switch over from one source to another for testing). Everything is clearly modular, built for expansion.
After the visits a drive back to Stockholm, some people needed to switch hotels and/or work, and we got some shopping done. An early dinner offered at the casino and then an unforeseen extra: a tour of the casinos floor, with explanations by the owner of the company operating world's largest software (game-themes they are called in the biz) platform.
Everything from the type and impact of the buttons, number of LCD and classical plastic screens and artwork, the licensing, game tactics and chance calculations, nothing was left out... even pricing was discussed. One guest tried her hand at winning. Don't know the outcome, because I left a bit before the end of the visit since I had a flight to catch.
Overall a very well-spent days, thanks to Broad Group for the invitation to speak.
Energy- & eco-friendliness is definitely a topic again for the next event!”

Publicatiedatum: 27 oktober 2016